Pictures Only Get Sweeter With Time

Over the last couple weeks I've started to have multiple conversations with families who say "Why buy a picture? It is only going to sit in a box." It's not that I haven't heard people say this statement before but it has begin to hit me so much again recently that I haven't been able... Continue Reading →

Lista Family Holiday Session

I am so excited to share with you this super fun session from last week! Originally we were scared for some rainy weather that we had had the last few days but by time Wednesday rolled around, we had some clouds. But when we arrived at our location it was super windy! But we made... Continue Reading →

Riley’s Holidays

So maybe this is a little over kill, but my favorite photos to do with Riley deal with the holidays. It may stem from my mom being the Holiday Queen when I was growing up that this has just become my special little thing to do with her and I am gonna milk it as... Continue Reading →

Serrano Mini Session

A few weeks ago, I was able to spend some time with this awesome family. Their boy's made me laugh all along the way and they were all amazing and reacting to my silly prompts. One of my favorites is when I asked them to look surprised when looking into the present box and their... Continue Reading →

Our Family Photos

I've been bugging my husband about wanting to take some family pictures, but it kept getting pushed farther into the back of our minds. Back during the 4th of July, we took turns taking some photos and then I set up my tripod with a timer. Tony laughed saying how I needed to invest in... Continue Reading →

Jeshua Senior Session

We have another senior session for a 2018 graduate! Meet Jeshua! I don't think I've seen this kid since he was maybe 5 or 7! Boy has time flown by! Check out how little he was! And you can even see my nephews and niece in the photo with him too! It was such a... Continue Reading →

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